Thursday, 14 June 2012


Uncertainty is one powerful enemy or friend depending on what side of the coin you stand on. When we were kids there was no need to worry in fact jumping around naked was our motto; and then we started to approach puberty and our eyes opened. We noticed the smell of the perfumes, the designer clothes, the dimple on his cheek , the sway of her walk and our hormones went on over drive. Now, we are kind of still in the same cycle but we have enhanced it with comparison. All our naked friends running around are now with naked kids playing around; all our clicks have dispersed and they are in a country you cannot pronounce with things you wished you had.  Things… is there an end to things? To wanting things? Some of the fairy tale weddings you read as a kid, you see it happening before you very eyes, but not to you? The things you thought were amazing are happening, but somehow not to you? You feel their life is taking shape just like an ever happy story, and yours is still yet to have a first letter in that story?

Oh dear, this thoughts would lead you to a path of unhappiness and regrets. In fact you would keep wishing that when things start happening you would not notice. Your eyes would be blinded by others,  that you would miss that very gold you had in your possession. Not all fairy tale weddings lead to ever happy marriages; not all spotless, sway ful, smile breaking, hot & smashing woman is transformed to a wife; not all tall, cute, rich, smart, dimpled hulk of a man would kneel with you to pray with the kids; not all things you wish for are supposed to be yours because yours has a different timing and package.

Not all things you ought to wish for. Why do you compare your life to another? The value you put in yourself and those around you is the value you get in return. The value you put in others and the things in their life, can never add value to you. Afterall, it is not yours!

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