Monday, 18 June 2012

What I learnt today?

Today, I learnt that being upset is simply a set up. It is where we allow others to set up our emotions, attitude, day, responses, hearts, and mind. Giving someone the opportunity to upset us is giving them the opportunity to end our day without any input from us.

I tried an experiment today: Someone really started me off on the wrong foot this morning. It was one of those mornings that caution was thrown to the wind and it was a war of egos and no one of the little ego was going to back down, and the after effects of ego-bashing left a sour taste in my mouth; but, I like to have a sweet taste in my mouth and lightness in my shoulder and i approached the second ego and told her, I still love you no matter what.

At that moment, I am not sure what went through her mind, maybe one of victory that she won, or confusion that is she alright or just a lightness as well, but I was sure of what I went through. An enlight-ment.

And as I walked back to my seat, I smiles throughout the day.

Do not let others set you up. You are in control. Take charge.

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