I was told recently that I have a
lot of things to learn. At that instant, I didn’t see the meaning of that
sentence but in retrospect, I realise that my vessel can only be filled with
wisdom from above. As I rummaged through the information on the internet I came
upon this piece titled ‘A Wife’s Part: Part 1’ and though I am not a wife just
yet, it has been my desire to get ready for the phase.
I pray you learn from this as I
am learning from it all and hopefully, I would be able to share the Part 2 when
I receive it ;).
A Wife’s Part: Part 1
Inspired from the book titled ‘The
Family By JR Miller’
"It is a high honor for a
woman to be chosen from among all womankind to be the wife of a good and true
man. She is lifted up to be a crowned
queen. Her husband's manly love laid at
her feet exalts her to the throne of his life.
Great power is placed in her hands.
Sacred dispositions are reposed in her keeping. Will she wear her crown beneficently? Will she fill her realm with beauty and with
blessing? Or will she fail in her holy
trust? Only her married life can be the

But the question should be turned
and asked from the other side. Can she be a true wife to win who asks for her
hand? Is she worthy of the love that is
laid at her feet? Can she be a blessing to the life of him who would lift her
to the throne of his heart? Will he find in her all the beauty, all the tender
loveliness, all the rich qualities of nature, all the deep sympathy and
companionship, all the strengthful, uplifting love, all the sources of joy and
help, which he seems now to see in her?
Surely it is proper for her to
question her own soul for him while she bids him question his soul for
her." -JR Miller
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