Monday, 16 July 2012

Just Do It.

I remember when I used to fill all the forms by employers and the part that asks the question’ what is your hobby?’ and I see my hands writing ‘Thinking’. It sounded so smart back then and in fact it is really something that I do. #don’t blame the first child of five, it comes natural to me#.

As I have managed to grow one white hair, I realise that thinking might seem smart but doing is way smarter. I had and still have so many great thinkers as friends and with my white hair, I am beginning to see the difference between those who have so many papers with ideas (just as myself) and those working through those papers (fingers crossed).

In the Beginning, God said, it is not good for man to be alone; we need to create him a help mate. He spoke it loud, and did not wait for the board of directors to sit on it, or His friend(s) to approve, He did not wait unending for the perfect timing neither did He go around thinking up one million and one ideas. He said it, had the creative plan in His mind, waited for the opportunity and executed. It was so perfect that even Man himself acknowledged that this beautiful creature called Woman was taken from his ribs! (Gen 2 vs. 18- 24).

They say it takes about 20 seconds to remember something and therefore it is very important to document them. So much emphasis is on writing the vision down but what about making it plain? Making it plain means doing your research, going to the drawing board, breaking it down and meditating on it. What about let him that run that readeth it? People running with it means you have gone beyond that paper and are now executing it in motion. (Habakkuk 2 vs. 2)

So many ideas are created and buried in a piece of paper. We are making the step of thinking and wanting to make the difference but think about it, the only difference most of us have made is to the paper industry as we buy more to write more. 
What are we afraid of? When was the last time we did something for the first time? Are we afraid of Failure? Are we afraid that our ideas sound ridiculous? Are we afraid that we might not be able to handle all this? Are we afraid of our great our destiny  that we decide to settle for the average one we find ourselves in?

What right do you have to pass through this world just as an ordinary fella? If the ants can go about their business diligently, how about us? Take a look at the sky below, yet you have not heard of stars fighting to protect their space and that is because there is so much space for everyone above, and the reason why there would forever and ever be space up there is because of the fear to climb that ladder and know what above holds in store for us.

Nike slogan says, just Do it.

Just do it, even if you think you would be laughed at. Why? They would soon be laughing with you. Just do it, even if you think there is no provision yet. Why? Because if it is a God given vision, there is a God given provision available. Just do it, even if you are not sure of the results. Why? At least there would be a result and either way it turns out you would be one step wiser.

Let’s do it. Why? We have no right to be ordinary in this world. Look at you, you are definitely not ordinary!

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