Thursday, 19 July 2012

Who is in your Circle?

A question popped up and stayed in my mind. Who is in your circle?

I wonder why it isn’t asked who is in your square, maybe because there is an aura of limitation to the four sides of a square, as there is a limit you can get to and the square is changing shape.

The circle has no boundary for the rounder it is, the circler it becomes. Your circle should be fuller and fuller with life and not flat as a tyre with no air.

Who makes up your circle? I don’t want to use the word networking not to sound too serious, for all I am asking is who surrounds you? What surrounds you? What do they surround you with?

Show me your circle and I would tell you how you stand or fall.

In a square you can easily run to the side of it to hide from what the other end might throw its way, but in a circle you are exposed to what you let in. Choose intentionally.

There is no way to hide in your circle. Decide with eyes wide open.

The more you allow in, the rounder you become. Roundness does not mean growth or quality, after all a hot air balloon might take you up and burst right up there in the sky, giving you a free fall that you might not live to explain. Circlize wisely.

Who is in my circle? Choose intentionally. Decide with eyes wide open. Circlize in the right direction.


  1. Who is in your cycle basically means what you picked from your surrounding to make up your life,be it physical/spiritual.This basically has to do with the "WHAT"&"WHOM" factor,"WHAT" in terms of intellect "WHOM" in terms of social connection.

    WHAT:"As a man thinks in his heart,so his he" Prv 23:7.The thinking faculty has to do with what we "see&read",until you begin to think positively your cycle cant be positive to you,no matter the number of positive "WHOM" is in the cycle.Phil 4:8

    WHOM:"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"Prv 13:20. Note it didn't mention "fool",so i believe the cycle has to be balanced for influential purposes;for if your cycle is filled with wise people whom shall thou influence.

  2. @Tobi: You have explained my piece in a much detailed way. I really liked your comment. Thank you.
