Tuesday, 4 September 2012

What happens in the Toilet.....

I went to the toilet and I decided to speak to the congregation of people through the mirror, even if all I saw was my reflection.  (This is just one of my many ways of mental preparation; do not try this anywhere!) I would love to tell you what I said to them, sorry my reflection in the toilet.

Who is your daddy?
God is the ultimate creator and as a reason of His unending love and awesome creativity, He made us exactly in His image, in His likeness and declared us Great, Imaginative and Creative just like Him. Do you know what else He did? He gave us the power to be creators even if we were created! Even if we are creations! God gave His creations power to create creatures! So we are double dosed! We are creators and creatures! What does this mean? There is only one person in heaven, earth, under the earth, in every atom or bing bang theory, evolution or revolution confusion that we can ever be subject to! The one who created us.

The modern philosophy that creations can all of a sudden be wiser than their creators is a waste of time and a clear sign of ignorance. #this shall be discussed later#

Back to the point, therefore we are protected, covered, looked after by our Creator because we are His Blessed creatures! Now onto our power as creators,  God has so endowed us with His Creative power, that you do not have to look far, look at your kids, your writings, your job, your environment, your thoughts, your circumstances, your handy work, your speech, there lies your creations. God looked at all He had made and saw that it was very good!

To my million dollar question? So why do we get overwhelmed by our circumstances? Why do our thoughts bind us and take even some to that suicide leap? Why do our situations seem to tie us down in situations? If they are our creations, should we not be ruler over them and not them over us? Should they not be subject to us and not them master over us?  Do we not have the power to pull down any obstacle and pull up what we want?

When was the last time you looked at what you made and said this is good?

Verse for clarification: 2 Corinthians 10 vs. 5-
King James Bible ( Cambridge Ed) –Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.’

God’s word translation-And all their intellectual arrogance that oppose the knowledge of God. We take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.’

English Standard Version- ‘We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.’

I needed to put up the different versions because it made me see things from three different perspectives. 

What really is the issue as to why creations have to always feel they need to all of a sudden open their eyes (like my mum says) with the idea they can do better than their creator? Ask Lucifer, Adam and Eve, and even us!
No matter how much we want to open our eyes and be like God, we forget we truly are Him and have no need to surpass Him. He has generously blessed us with His Creative spirit to multiply and replenish the earth. In as much as we are creators, we are foremost creations! That does not limit us in anyway, instead it enlarges our territory. We have someone who is watching over us as we also have to watch over what we create!

The one who has put life into you is able to take life out of you. That is why I said above that it is sheer ignorance for creations to assume they are wiser than their creators. God has the power to take life out of us, instead He choose to give us eternal life. He has given us directions (A bible: http://ebible.com/) and He is Omni Present who lets us have the power of choice but reminds us that if we ask, we will receive. There is no need for us running around like headless chickens when we can kneel down in prayer. (Note to myself)

In our situations, our creations- relationships, family situations, financial conditions, goals, weight, etc. are all our creations. We can give them life, and we can take their life away. We can give them directions or they can direct us astray. We have the power of choice to do whatsoever we want with our creations. There is no need for us to be controlled by our circumstances if we call ourselves the children of the Most High Creator.

The silver lining is: Yes, we are human and we can get over ourselves, thank God that we have a Creator, who we can always run back to! Thank God He did not just create us and let us be! Thank God that our creations are subject to our Creator, so if they don’t listen to us for some reason, guess who’s the Daddy?!

My personal reflection: The relationship we have with our Creator is directly proportional to how subjective our creations would be subject to us.

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