Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The 2mm Rule.

A colleague of mine has been on a secret mission to make me attend an Anthony Robbins event.

Anthony Robbins in two sentences-
One of the "Top 200 Business Gurus" - Harvard Business Press
One of the "Top Six Business Leaders in the World" - American Express

He facilities a lot of programs across the globe and the one they are trying desperately to recruit me to attend is UPW- Unleash The Power Within.

I think the most curious part of UPW is the fire walk experience (http://www.upwlondon.co.uk/) and I am sure the look on Oprah’s face says it all.

Anthony says this regarding the fire walking experience ‘Storm across a bed of hot coals between 1,200 and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. (You don't have to, but you'll want to!) Once you start doing the impossible (or at least what you thought was impossible), you can conquer the other fires of your life with ease.’

Imagine that fear was suddenly no longer a factor in your life. What would you do? What would you change, give, be, or accomplish?

Those who create an extraordinary life and achieve their highest vision share one fundamental power:  the capacity to turn their fears and limitations into positive focussed action.
Discover how to break the unconscious fears that are holding you back.
(Culled fromhttp://www.upwlondon.co.uk/)

…You'll test and amaze yourself. But, most of all… you'll grow.

Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams and Hugh Jackman, is just a tip of the ice berg of ‘celebrities’ whose lives have been ‘transformed’ by Mr Anthony Robbins.

And although this is not a blog to discuss Anthony Robbins, let me just say that the Anthony R. fan in my place of work managed to get two subjects to attend the UPW program last 2 weeks and one of them was the sales person of this week, also another cut his hair and got himself a new set of wardrobe. (Not kidding!)

As I got into work today, the Fan club head, (who came unusually early) decided to talk to me again about how amazing the event is and I am beginning to realise I know more about this man without browsing about him. My colleague told me about their experiences (again) during the fire walk, how ended up screaming when they were done, looking like they are about to actually explode speaking another language (and this is not the English which we all know) and their facial expressions? Priceless!

What was really priceless for me, was what I learnt from our early morning chat.

My colleague called it the 2mm rule, and I strongly feel this is one of the ‘secret’ key principles that I got over a free conversation.

The 2mnn rule as my colleague called it is the difference between excellence and outstanding. Tiger woods is excellent but just a 2mm move up or down or left or right on the gold club transcends him from excellent to outstanding.

He went out to say Michael Jordan comes into a gathering and he looks like he owns the people in it plus the building. Why? Because he walks in with his shoulder extended 2mm further.

The 2mm is just the length between excellent and outstanding.

Average, good, better, best, excellent, outstanding all vary and the beginning of the food chain require a big leap, action and decision, but I find it ironical that towards the end, just a minor adjustment of maybe mind-set, friends, speech, attire, diet, habits, information, etc. and that little change is what most of us discard or ignore. Why? Personal experience, we get comfortable. We are the king of the jungle at that moment and we forget that the King of the jungle was once a cub and would soon become land fill.

What are our 2mm moments?  The important but tiny things that can help us stand out from the rest? Think on this and let us start making that movement one 'mm' at a time.

At work, it is easy to get swallowed up with the drug of efficiency, that our goal is to be perfect and put our stamp on every project or assignment we are given.  The truth is, for some of us, if we are not at work, some things cannot actually go on or be accomplished, but the fact is in some years to come, we might be in transit to becoming land fill or back log to be gotten ridden off.

In our everyday life, comfort can become our definition of bliss. We are satisfied as we are and we are getting good results, so why bother to change any thing? Because good in itself just might have a timeline to become bad. We work so hard in routine, that routine is all we know and want to know; for some it might be the best way of life but for some others, it might be we are not living at all.
What is your 2mm change?

Let us dip our toes outside the box of routine, because as I see it, it is a win-win situation. We get electrocuted out of the routine box, or electrocuted back into the routine box; and in either way, our lives would not remain the same.

The 2mm in retrospect now might seem small and ironically, harder to pin point what exactly it is. Do feel free to comment and tell me what you think your 2mm (important but tiny thing) is and as for me right now, my 2mm 'transformation' is on writing about it and discarding my slouch for a straighter back (i hope to remember this).


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