Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Time to take stock or not?

 It is the second half of the year already! Between you and I, the first half felt like a year, and this is not because it was slow, just because there were so many things, happening all at once! Are they all completed? Not at all, but I can look back with a smile and know that in this second phase, I am going to see the harvest of a lot of things! What about you?

Let us take a step back, to January 1 maybe. I recently saw a document that I wrote in January in which I titled ‘2013 goals’ and it did bring a bit of sobriety to me because you know, sometimes we have so much going on, that we forget that God has indeed been faithful.

So, I have decided to share just a tiny bit of what was on the ‘2013 goals’ list of mine.
I separated them based on categories and put notes below, so I would just pick few categories and select one or two notes I wrote below to share with you ;)

Spiritual growth- Join another church unit; get a yearly bible study and stick to it.

Career growth- Get minimum of 2 certificates at the end of the year; build my blog/YouTube channel (http://youtu.be/aL_npXEw6us)
Personal growth (Body, Soul, relationships)- Join a gym ; Read books regarding relationships, marriage and faith.
Financial growth- Save money monthly.
My 2013 list is filled with what I need to do within the year 2013 and as I take stock, I realise some of the things not written on the list have been done and some written on the list have not yet kicked off.
You might not be like me who bumped into her ‘2013 goals’ document but I am sure that when the fireworks into the New Year went off, your expectations were as bright as they were. Are they still that bright?
No matter how tiny, large, tall or short someone is, they have got some sort of goal, even if it is to move from the bed to the bathroom, there is that ‘one’ goal inside of us. Let us take the goal post for an illustration, the fans screaming when their favourite players score the goals, and everyone hugging themselves, strangers hugging strangers and families screaming in happiness.
2013 is our goal post
Our aspirations and plans are the goals
And God’s favourite player is You.
Keep scoring, He is cheering. Keep making attempts, it might hit the goal post or the goal keeper would deflect it, but then who is getting better at shooting towards what they want and where they want to be? God’s favourite player- YOU!
One note I wrote under a category was ‘Get ready for it because it is happening soonCan you guess what I was referring to? LOL
One question as I end here - what is your ‘football’?

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