Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Love is a school

Too many people when asked what Love is, say Love is God. After all we were taught this in Sunday school.
So I grew up, looking for what love is. What can I do to prove I love him? What didn’t I do to really show I love him? What has he done to explain his love to me? You have not expressed your love to me we say, and we use the punch line
For God so loved the world that He gave….

Love is not a ‘what’.. Love is a ‘who’ and who love is, is God.
This is love, not that we loved Him first, but He loved us and sent his son.
Love isn’t an ‘I need’, it is an ‘I don’t need’
It is an I don’t need a reason to love you, because reasons cause expectations, expectations cause disappointments and disappointments we offer him every day
His love never falters, hesitates, alters ,wavers, here today, gone tomorrow, His love isn’t like a ship on a sail having two passengers’ using a compass fuelled by adrenaline, oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, that cause the increase in heart beats, nervousness, excitements, blushing cheeks , clammy hands and cuddling because all these hormones isn’t who love is.
Love is what happens after the hormones are buried under the analysis of our imperfection; it is being myself with you and not feeling less of myself
Love is not blind, love got eyes wide open but the door of reason shut because it is not about you, it is about the other person.

How we view love, is often an expression of what we lack in our self
Trying to manipulate the sheer simplicity of accepting another just as they are
Is too much for our complicated minds to chew on
Breaking into details the fabric of another person’s shortcoming
As if the 2nd Lord coming was referring to our arrival
Hold on!

He who has not sin should cast the first stone
What is going on within your internal geographical zone
Where you sit on your throne, and your wants are over blown
And wishing others to be like your clone..
Is not who Love is

Love your neighbour as you love yourself
Until we truly accept our selves for ourselves
We are all playing mind games under the pretence of love
Running around each other’s comfort zone
Until we hit the brick wall and refuse to go no further.
Love is finding the one, who would climb the wall with you,
Even with their walls.
Love is not what, Love is who.
You can’t Love without knowing Him first.
Love is not what, Love is who.

It is you.

Love is a school and I am a full time student
Love is a school and I am a full time student

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