Saturday, 5 January 2013

Running your Race in 2013

In life there would always be people, who want to shape you into what they want you to become, into the reflection they desire for themselves; there are people who believe they know what is best for us than the path we are already in; there are still some people who at every junction, render you a sigh, and the best way I can describe this in a sentence is- If you do not build your destiny, others would hire you to build theirs, in one way or the other.

The power to consciously and unconsciously build what we want for ourselves comes from only one source, the Ultimate Builder. Consciously we build by applying for the jobs we want, reading the books that extend our mind, working with the network we aspire to be come and unconsciously we read that quote once, listen to that message, remember those words we were told when we were much younger; but if our total consciousness is not in sync with the Ultimate Builder, then we are definitely as the pencil who started acting off as the tooth pick.

As I crossed over to 2013, I knew deep down my 2013 is like no other. A sense of excitement, already accomplished aspirations, fulfillment and the unimaginable miraculous way things and events were going to fall in place for my favor, fueled my steps as I danced while the seconds ticked.
I know what I needed to change and have an idea on what I needed to improve on but one thing stuck. 

Confidence and my five senses.

The confidence to look at my hands and know that whatever I touch is blessed and to hand over every tiny minute detail of my life to my Ultimate Builder.

The confidence to see God working in everything before my eyes and to know for those I can’t see, He has already taken control, and after all He is my Champion.

The confidence to speak forth things that are not, as if they are because with Faith my Lover is well pleased
The confidence to inhale mercy and grace as I exhale favour because my Divine Chef has seasoned my life with goodness and mercy for they follow me all the days of my life.

The confidence to know before I speak, my Best Friend has heard and while I am yet speaking He has done it all for me. To know that if I am silent, I will hear him speak to me because I know His voice.

Let us personalise 2013, and call it ‘MY 2013’. This is my year of results, what are you looking forward to in 2013?

I promise to be faithful with sharing the product of my gift and that is sharing my precious thoughts with you, my videos and my love for you all!

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