My Week has been quite interesting I must say! It started
with my last blog
I must say that it did lead to more than the usual amount of questions been asked from
me and I was glad to be of help ;). I realise more that creativity and emotions
are directly proportional to each other and if you doubt me ask Adele or Taylor
Swift! LOL
For me, I tend to write easily inside my head towards a
topic, a cause, a subject or an emotion I have passed through or have been a
part of in one way or the other and that is why when I was invited to Coventry University
Campus in London to present a poem on Cancer, my initial reaction as
not at all. Why? I have never and will never have any first or second or 1
zillionth experience on it, so I knew it was going to be a very sensitive
subject that required sensitive emotions and all I had was sensitive without
the emotions; hence my research began.

I moved from one
section to another on the website and I am and was truly overwhelmed with
emotions. As I read the stories of the young people who have been diagnosed
with cancer and their constant victory in the face of pain, tears and weakness,
life began to have a different meaning to me. Their perspective of life is so
philosophical and makes you take a look at your life and ask yourself some soul
searching questions.
One of the cancer patients who passed away has a fund
raising project started in his memory and his father’s words on his memorial
page (
) says it all.
I find it ironical that sickness enhances ones appreciation
for health and death makes one hug life with no remorse but as very busy bees
with health perfection and life in 3D with the world to conquer, we get carried
away with activities, working around like machines forgetting we are the
resource and not the source. Now at this junction, I would like to ask you to
say with me, Thank you God in Heaven for your unconditional gift of fulfilled
life and perfect health you have graced me with. I appreciate you and I am
eternally grateful.
So, after the many emotions contrasting each other, my ploy
to write a cancer piece got worse and I was stuck. Literally. I didn't know
where to write from… the point of life or the realisation of death. The angle
of victory or the battlefield of survival. The focus on appreciation or the
limelight of retrospect….
I was stuck…. And then I decided to write this blog a day
before the event, and as I do the event tomorrow I would continue writing below
on how it went, maybe lessons learnt along the way from today to tomorrow and hopefully
a video when it is out and live!
Hello there!
Shaking like a leaf in the cold is an understatement on how I was prior
to been called on the stage. I tried not to make my piece too serious but
I knew that I didn't succeed at that, when everyone was completely silent in
the auditorium. Silently silent! And I loved every second of every emphasis I put
on every word because I knew that I had their attention.
I was able to analyse the characteristics of cancer
alongside the characteristics of the mind and this also made me reflect on what kind of thoughts I breed. Thoughts after thoughts, cells after cells, word after word, if one is wrong, it is all a matter of time, all will be wrong.
An excerpt of my piece ‘Do you know that Cancer is not written in the face? That is why you look at
someone and cannot tell they have cancer. I look at you and I do not know what
you are thinking. Everyone looks normal from the outside, happy, excited, maybe
troubled, but for how long?
Cancer is not written
on the face, but it does not stay hidden forever. Your thoughts are not written
on your face but it will not stay wrapped up forever. Cancer and our thoughts
have the same way of exposing themselves, thorough our lives. A single tumor
can affect the nerves by putting pressure on it and a single thought out of
control can put pressure on any part of our lives.’
Few hours prior to leaving work to
the venue, my very own took me through some exercise, he said 'focus, relax you
can do this' and yes we did!
It was a very wonderful experience for me and the feedback was humbling taking into consideration that I had few days to prepare on a subject not too familiar.
For this reason and more, I have consciously decided I would be writing more on things that are outside of me, reaching forth to experiences not yet felt and creating feelings in dimensions, hoping my mind and hand can translate it to some words, that would touch my world. :)
Few things learnt:
Everyone appreciates/or not the
finished product but not all can understand the production process. (Another
blog for another day).
Out of your comfort zone, lies the
uncomfortable strength you are afraid of.
Appreciate life, every moment you
can. Do something out of your daily routine every moment you remember. It is
your life, a present given to you by God, show Him that you are enjoying it ;)
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