Tuesday, 24 February 2015


I watched a video recently (WATCH HERE>>  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=354775278011959 ), and I shed tears with no restrain.

This video summarizes a lot we face as women, it was eye opening and liberating at the same time. I used to wonder why it was so easy to go far and beyond for others, but when it comes to ourselves, we put our needs and wants at the very bottom. I used to wonder and it stopped being a thought because i noticed that was/is exactly what had become my reality and I am very confident I am not the only one with this reality.

Is this the nature of women? Someone once said that women are creators and multiplicators and that whatever you give to us is going to multiply, so men should be careful what they give to us. So, if we are naturally gifted into creating and multiplying cares and affection even to the person down the road and this spirals down into their family, how come we don’t do same to ourselves? Is it because in the first instance, we never actually count ourselves as a factor and for that reason we can’t multiply into anything, as we are all aware that whatever you multiply with zero is still zero.

As a girl, lady, woman, daughter, wife, employee, business owner, sister, in-law, friend etc. wearing many caps, there are so many opportunities for our esteem to hit rock bottom, for us to doubt our character, for us to regret, for us to smile, for us to cry, for us to be proud of ourselves, for us to question our motives, for us to fear if we are truly enough? for us to dis-belief the awesomeness that others see in us. Yes, there are so many opportunities for us to question ourselves as women.
Someone might say, that is life in general, but as a woman, I believe we are more in touch with our emotions that if care is not taken, emotions could become our god.

We try so hard to fit in and then try so hard to stand out. If they let us be, we would practically carry the world as women, that is just how we roll and this is why this video (WATCH HERE>>  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=354775278011959 ) made me cry.

In my video on love (WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOZ-vgx5uUY  ) I defined love as ‘Love is You’. But it seems that some women have the gift of actually ‘loving’ the world but themselves and yes, love means sacrificing your needs for another but I strongly believe there is a balance.
You cannot give what you do not have. You cannot pull out what is not pushed in.
As women, we should find that ‘thing’ that can pour into us endlessly, so that we can give out endlessly.
For me, it is my relationship with my Heavenly Father in Heaven.

I wrote a poem below and it is stemmed from the perception that as women we are fond of pulling ourselves down. I believe that if we can be our sister's keeper, just maybe, when one of us stares into that mirror, we would see awesomeness and nothing less.

The woman you admire has her own secret struggle, so please do not use her car to judge the essence of your existence.
The model you try to pout like, is struggling with her demons, so do not go to the doctor for that extra lip because you think your life depends on it.
The lady down the street has her head down because her world is literally on her shoulders, so do not dare to judge her, because if you look within, you would not be so different from her.
That girl trying so hard to fit in, that today she is a girl and the next day she is in between, do not scoff at her, you do not go home with her and have no idea who is trying to come in between her, when she uses a pillow as the sponge for her tears
The mother who looks disheveled, you have no right to look down at her, look up at her children and you would see where it all goes.
As women, let us burn to ashes this notion, that when and where we gather, conflict and strife is nearby because we are more than that.
We have always being more and not less.


  1. This came from a depth and that video was just...Who's cutting onions here! Women are just special and are wired in a special way.

    Really really apt piece that makes one reflective.

  2. haha@who is cutting onions?! Yes we are special dear and even though we know this, hearing it from others makes it all the better! Thanks for reading :)
